Iran: Article 18 – i kamp for trosfriheten
Article18 is a non-profit organization based in London, dedicated to protect and advance freedom of religion in Iran and to advocacy for persecuted christians.

Article 18 defends freedom of religion or belief in Iran and documents persecution of christians.
The organization publishes news and personal stories.
Article 18 has an updated list of prisoners.
Read the annual report about persecution of christians 2025: The tip of the iceberg
Read the annual report about persecution of christians 2024 Faceless victims
Read the annual report about persecution of christians – 2023
Hvorfor hevder Iran at det er religionsfrihet i landet, mens konvertitter og bahaier forføllges? Les analyse.
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Stefanusalliansen samarbeider med lokale kirker, organisasjoner og personer.