FORB and freedom of expression

This booklet about FORB and freedom of expression seeks to give an introduction to, and address three common challenges that arise at the intersection of FoRB and FoE - blasphemy laws, proselytization laws, and hate speech. 

Published in 2025. 

Download in English

FORB for everyone – Women in focus (English)

This booklet about FORB for everyone – with women in focus
gives an introduction to how women are targeted
different than men when FORB is violated. 

Do womens rights and Freedom of
Religion or Belief (FORB) really go together?
Published 2021.

Download in English 


FORB for everyone – Women in focus (Arabic)

This booklet about FORB for everyone – with women in focus
gives an introduction to how women are targeted
different than men when FORB is violated.

Do womens rights and Freedom of
Religion or Belief (FORB) really go together?
Arabic version, published 2022.

Download in Arabic

FORB, human rights and sustainable goals

Promoting Freedom of religion and belief and gender equality in the context of the sustainable development goals:
A focus on access to justice, education and health.

Report from a project in cooperation with Danish Institute of Human Rights (2020)


Belief and belonging. Indigneous identity and FORB

Indigneous people and FORB. A CSW-report with support from Stefanus Alliance. With focus on Colombia, India, Vietnam and Mexico. 
Published October 2022.
